This document will walk you through some common problems when trying to print.

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

In order to print, you must have the uniFLOW Smart Client running on your computer, and you must be signed in to it before the jobs will appear at the printer. The icon looks like this:

And when it's running, you will see it in the corner of your screen like this: 

Or if you're on a Mac, like this:

If you don't have uniFLOW Smart Client installed, you need to install it using these instructions: Printing At Lavalla

Printer ask you to login when you tap your card

If the printer asks you to log in, it means your ID card hasn't been set up to work with the printer. Please stop by the helpdesk to have the card activated.

Document Prints, but doesn't print correctly

If your document doesn't print properly, save the document as a PDF and try printing that again.