There are two main Complispace products:

CompliLearn - Online compliance training

Policy Connect - Access to policy documents/forms

Both products are accessed via the same method as below.

  1. Open the Intranet
  2. Click on STAFF then Policy Connect
  3. Click on LOGIN
  4. Click on third option which mentions Lavalla
  5. You are now in Policy Connect. To access CompliLearn please click on it
  6. Click the appropriate button. Most staff will use Identity Provider, however staff use who use a personal email address for training may need to choose Email
  7. If you chose Identity Provider then you should now be in CompliLearn. If you chose Email then enter your details and click login.

For IT-related issues please contact IT helpdesk.

For account/training/usability issues please contact Compliance Manager (Allison Speairs)