It's always a good idea to convert any document you wish to print into a PDF before sending it to the printer. This is because the printer understands PDFs better than it does photos or Powerpoint presentations.

The procedure to save a document as a PDF differs slightly depending on what operating system you have:

Saving a PDF on a Mac

To save a document as a PDF on a Mac:

  1. Open the document you wish to print
  2. Click on File > Print
  3. In the bottom left-hand corner, click on PDF and then Save as PDF...
  4. Save the document with a unique filename so you can find it later (e.g. "Final Portfolio - PDF")

Saving a PDF on a PC

To save a document as a PDF on a PC:

  1. Open the document you wish to print
  2. Click on File > Print
  3. Select the Microsoft Print to PDF printer and then click Print:
  4. Save the PDF with a unique filename so you can find it later (e.g. "Final Portfolio - PDF")

Saving PDFs this way ensures that they're A4 or A3 in size, which makes printing them via email a lot easier.